discord bots

These are some of the bots i made using discord.py
most of them are personal projects except a few which were made for friends/clients

await message.send("Inspiration-Bot")

This was one of the earliest bots i made in discord.py, it was to get started with making bots. The idea behind the bot is very simple, when promted with a command the bot sends a quote from the zenquotes api

await message.send("newzy")

This bot gives news from a particular topic. The news given by this bot is updated as it takes the top headlines from google news regarding the particular topic and then sends it in a form of a embed

await message.send("auction bot")

This bot simulates an ipl auction, tho it is really janky, it is fun to play with your freinds(if you have any) to kill time

await message.send("pass-giver")

This is a really really simple bot, it just gives a passowrd to the user when prompted. The password has a strength of about 98%-99%

await message.send("maths-helper")

The user can upload an image of a question and the bot will extract the text from the image. The bot then searches the internet for possible soultions, and returns a list of 10 links which have the possible solution

await message.send("monke-bot")

This is a really simple and basic economy bot whose currency is based off bananas. It was made for my friends server

await message.send("musician-bot")

This bot plays music in a discord vc. It has all the basic features like making a queue of songs, pausing the song etc

await message.send("task-boi")

This bot was made to help me and my friends get prodcutive. It is a really simple task tracker bot. Kinda like a walmart version of trello

await message.send("shit-poster")

This bot gives memes from reddit. It also has the ability to search different subreddits and then send the hot posts from that subreddit

await message.send("chad-bot")

This bot was made for my freinds HUGE server, he wanted to prevent members from using swear words, so chad bot filters out the messages which contain swear words

await message.send("ticket-bot")

This bot automates the process of making tickets for complaints/suggestions. It was made for a client

await message.send("social-bot")

This bot gives the number of instagram followers of the mentioned user. Its useless basically

await message.send("pomo-bot")

This bot works like a timer, the user can mention a time period, and the bot will mention them in the server after the time period is over


Im open to making custom discord bots for your server. If you want a bot you can go to my discord server and ping me there :)