python projects

these projects are random projects which were made in python
most of them were self thought ideas or recomended by my friends


In this program, one can draw stuff with their hand. Its really janky but it was fun to work on nevertheless. The program figures out the coordinates of the hand of the user and then positions the cursor to the screen accordingly whilst clicking on the left button of the mouse


This was a simple bot which would help me to login to my online classes. It is bassically loads of instructions which tell the mouse where to click and the keyboard where to type. After a while i would be logged into my class!


In this the user has to save a audio file in the project dierectory. Once the program is started, it will print out all the words in the audio file. In simple words, its kinda like a lyrics printer


This is similar to the last project, except it words on PDF files. The program extracts the text from the PDF file which was saved in the project directory and prints it on the terminal


This program will give the stats of the specific instagram user mentioned, it will print out their followers on the terminal


I was sick of spotify ads and didnt want to buy premuim, so to solve this i made a program which will downaload any spotify playlist into the project directory, to make it even better i made it play the songs locally on my pc and added discord presence, so that my freinds can see what im listening to


This is a simple stats printer. It reads in values from an excel sheet and prints things like daily avg and stuff. I made it to get more productive but oh boy that was a disaster


This is a very very janky word typing test, it generate random sentences, and the user had to type them as fast as they can. Based on how fast they type and how accurate they type they get their WPM and some other stats. This all runs in the terminal


This program graphs out the dollar vs indian ruppe exchange rate, it was made for killing time on a sunny saturday

about these projects

these projects are the ones which were finshed and are worthy enough of showcase
i have loads of other unfinished projects, or the ones which are done and not worthy enough for showcase here :(